Amaranth was based on Queen Christina of Sweden's court. Christina had created the "Order of the Amarantha" for the ladies and knights of her court. In 1860, James B. Taylor of Newark, New Jersey drew upon this order to create a new fraternal society. In 1873, Robert Macoy organized Taylor's society into the Order of the Amaranth, part of a proposed Adoptive Rite of Masonry. Eastern Star was to be the first degree, and until 1921, Amaranth members were required to join Eastern Star first.
In the Order's teachings, the members are emphatically reminded of their duties to God, to their country and to their fellow beings. They are urged to portray, by precept and example, their belief in the "Golden Rule" and by conforming to the virtues inherent in TRUTH, FAITH, WISDOM and CHARITY they can prove to others the goodness promulgated by the Order.
Amaranth is organized into Courts, under Grand Courts at the State level. The primary body is called the Supreme Council (which has some subordinate Courts directly under it, as well). Women members of the Order are addressed as "Honored Lady", while men are referred to as "Sir Knight"
The officers of a Court are:
- Royal Matron - presiding officer
- Royal Patron - enforces the rules of the order
- Associate Matron - assumes the duties of the Royal Matron in the absence of that officer
- Associate Patron - assumes the duties of the Royal Patron in the absence of that officer
- Secretary- takes care the courts business
- Treasurer- takes care of the courts money
- Conductress - leads candidates through the degree of the order
- Associate Conductress - assist the conductress
- Prelate - leads the Court in prayer
- Historian - keeps records of the court
- Marshal in the East - escorts the royal matron, displays the flag of the country
- Marshal in the West - assist the marshal in the east
- Musician - provides music for the meetings
- Truth-
- Faith-
- Wisdom-
- Charity-
- Standard Bearer - displays the banner of the order
- Chairman of the Trustees - Revolving Committee a three year term, with a new trustee elected every year.
- 2 yr Trustee -
- 3 yr Trustee -
- Warder - Sits next to the door inside the meeting room, to make sure those that enter the court room are members of the Order.
- Sentinel - Sits next to the door outside the court room, to make sure those that wish to enter are members of the Order.
The order's philanthropic project is the Amaranth Diabetes Foundation. The flag of the appropriate country is prominently displayed at all meetings.
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